Saturday, May 14, 2011


The compression system is the basic of operation of the refrigeration units described in this chapter. One must understand the system to accurately diagnose (identify) mechanical difficultties. Many types of compression mechanisms are explained to hlp the service tecnician become familiar with their basic operation.

The arrangement of the units of study in this chapter will be in the same other as the arrangement of the part in a refrigeration system. Beginning with the evaporator (where the heat absorbed), the squence (order of study) is through the condenser, (liquid receiver, filter -drier, liquid line, refrigerant control and back into the evaporator.

Necessary details concerning the construction and operation of the parts - as well as of various types of these mechanisms- are explained fully. Included are necessary temperature and motor controls. READ MORE...


Refrigeration system may be classified in several ways: by the type of refrigerant control. type of motor control, compresion system, absorption system and so on. Similiari systems will be group together.

Each basic refrigeration system explanation:
1. Names the system.
2. Shows a schematic diagram of the system.
3. Describes how the system works.
4. Names some common uses.
5. Names the motrol controls used.

It is important that one become familiar with the fundamentaloperating principles of the common system described in this chapter.

The illustrations are not intended to show the expart parts and uses of actual units, instead, they explainthe fundamental of construction and operation. Details and actual uses will be shown and described in lather chapters.......READ MORE...

The Paleo Recipe Book